How to play Three Card Brag


How to play Three Card Brag

Once the betting rules have been established, gameplay unfolds as follows:

Ante bets are placed by all players.

The dealer now deals three face-down cards to each player, one at a time.

Players look at their cards, not revealing their hand to anyone else. Anyone choosing to play blind can now do so (explained in further detail below).

Betting now begins from the left of the dealer. Players have the choice to fold (forfeit their ante bet and eliminate themselves from the game) or bet, which requires any bet amount within the agreed minimum and maximum betting limits, provided it’s equal to the previous player’s bet or higher. If you can’t at least match the size of the bet before you, you must fold.

Betting continues as many times around the group as necessary until only one or two players remain in the game.  카지노사이트 If all but one player folds, that player is the winner and takes the pot. If two players remain, a third betting option now becomes available, known as “see,” which costs double the amount of the previous bet.

If you pay to see the other player’s cards, they must now reveal their three-card hand. If your hand is better, you need to prove it by showing it to the table. If your hand is worse or equal, you can fold without having to reveal your cards. In the event of a draw, the player who paid to “see” is the loser.



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